Last weekend was a doozy. I mean seriously, I was questioning my sanity and Laura's. Thankfully, I am already beginning to forget some of the details but, suffice it to say Laura is growing up....
Saturday, she was a MESS. Picture an emotional, hormonal, 9 month pregnant lady and it may help describe Laura's mindset. Yes, I know she is 3 so she obviously isn't hormonal and most certainly not pregnant but, wow. Saturday all day she wouldn't listen. I would tell her what she needed to do, wouldn't do it, get reminded, start crying, still wouldn't do the desired task, I would ask, remind, plead, threaten a consequence. It was a mess.
Sunday morning wasn't any better. I woke up to her coming into my bed. She was reminded to please take her pull up off if she is coming into my bed to sleep (she knows this expectation). She starts crying/whimpering explaining that she will only be in my bed for a few minutes and then go back to her bad. I agree. She then falls asleep in my bed. We wake up to the dog. I ask her to please take her pull up off if she is sleeping in my bed. She starts crying that she doesn't want too. I remind her that if she is sleeping in my bed the pull up needs to come off. She refuses, I ask her to go to her bed if she won't take her pull up off. She doesn't want to go to her bed. I AGAIN ask that she takes the pull up off. She is now super upset. I offer to help her, she refuses. She tells me to go to bed (so I do). THEN she asks me to get out of bed and help her take her pull up off. I help her take her pull up off. She then dissolves into tears. She didn't want her pull up off. I explain to her that I did as she asked. After a few minutes she crawls back into my bed and falls asleep. This was all before 6am!
So, I kept questioning EVERYTHING. This isn't my normal Laura. I mean yes she does have her moments. But, ALL day even the next day?! I contemplated and thought and thought. I realized that she was obviously going through a growth spurt with her emotions. Did you know that kids development emotions and that they are growing into them? So, sometimes they have so much new feelings/emotions that they do not know what to do with them. And second, I was NOT being consistent. She was being so ridiculous that I was giving her a million chances because I wasn't even sure that she was comprehending what I was saying. Therefore, I was just feeding into her. This seriously was an evolving process. Which continued even as I was driving to Globe for work this week (yes I do that WEEKLY). So, I took deep breaths through this process and yes, I had super grumpy moments and powered through....and fell on my face a few times. But, hey we are both learning, right? :-)
To be continued...Loni
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