For those who know me, know that I can become obsessed with personality tests, especially the Myers-Briggs personality test. You might know this because I have already kindly forced you to take it. I truly enjoy getting to know people, their motives, and learn how their brain works. It's become a hobby that I blame my old roommate, April, on.
Pros to TAKING the TEST
Why Myers-Briggs?
Here's the thing about this particular personality test it's a long running test developed by psychologist 70+ years ago and is used in institutions, education, and major corporations all over the world. It's a good one! I personally like David Keirsey's take on the test where he took the 4 letters that make up the individual's personality type and gives them a name. It helps identify the 16 different characters better. There are four families which are Guardian, Artisan, Idealist, and Rational, and within each family are 4 members (equaling 16 total). Now, I am not a fan of labeling a people, but it's easier to call someone an Idealist Champion rather than an ENFP (PS that's me).
Where can you take this test?
There are not a lot of free personality tests online for MBPT so I will link you up. Here's the steps I would recommend for getting the most out of this personality test.
1. Go to It's 72 questions long with 2 options for each, just so you know it might take awhile.
2. After the test spits out your 4 letters, it will give you a description. I would take your 4 letters and go to where you can read up on your personality type in depth for career placement, dating/relationship building, famous people, coping skills, etc... I visit the site quite a bit and totally recommend it.
"Seek to understand before being understood" was one of Stephen R. Covey's rules for highly successful people. Better understanding your family, friends, coworkers, leaders, and yourself will change the way you look at situations and is one of my favorite ways to cope with stress. Educating ourselves on how people tick, will help with the expectations we put on people.
Let us know what personality type you are by posting it!-Cami
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