Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Baby Night Guard?

Photo: What time is it? Tooth-hurty?  http://instagr.am/p/MyyLiLuYtb/
My SAINT of a sister-in law had sleep over with our little rug rat last weekend and pampered us, as we were able to have a well-needed date night out! When we picked him up the next morning, she said he was a bit fussy, spitting up, and grinding his 3.5 teeth. Everything seemed like normal behavior for our little guy since he wasn't in his usually environment (explains fussiness) and it's typical that he spits up, but GRINDING?

If you have had your kiddo do this, the sound is so disturbing.  Being a mommy, I checked his temperature, looked in and touched his ears to see they were red or tender, and watched to see if his mood got better or worse.  He stayed neutral.  So, I did a little research on baby teeth grinding, "Bruxism," and got a whole list of "Could Be's" for why he might be grinding.  If your baby is grinding his/her teeth it could be from an ear infection. It could be teething. Could be that his/her teeth are uneven and they are getting use to them in their mouth. It could be anxiety or depression! AWESOME! Last, it could be a genetic behavior if a parent grinds their teeth. Double AWESOME!!! He's just like his daddy! Doomed from the start! When I told my hubby this, he just looked at me and said, "So, is there like a baby night guard for him or something?" HA! Right, honey!

My little Bobo kept grinding his teeth for the next couple of days, so I finally took him into the doctor this afternoon.  Guess what I got? Nothing! Healthy boy.  My doctor just suggested giving him a cold ring to chew on, but he just throws those whenever I give one to him.  Freezing a rag or just a cold rag should help too, I have heard.  Too bad my little guy's attention span is too short to take interest in a ring or a rag.  Oh great, short attention span, another characteristic like his daddy!!! I better get use to it.

Does your little one grind their teeth? What has helped them?


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Barb! Don't you just love having these new little surprises that our kiddos? Thanks for the advice.
