On Call-
There are some guilt and struggles we Stay at Home Mommies feel though. We get to be with our babies/kiddos all the time. ALL THE TIME! Late nights, early mornings, mornings, early afternoon, afternoon, late afternoon, night, and repeat. Yes, dad occasionally will get up with baby in the night or early morning, but he has to work and NEEDS his sleep. Besides, baby really wants HIS mommy anyway. I feel guilty sometimes asking hubby to get baby because he already is going to work and getting his masters to provide for this family. I just wish I was this amazing person when I have no sleep...but I'm not. I also feel guilty asking family and friends to watch baby for a couple of hours. I don't want to put this burden on anyone else too. What if he's unhappy or fussy for them? I want them to have good experiences and love him like we do. Sometimes this is a forced decision I have to risk.
What Money?-
My hubby and I before we were married planned that when our youngest was in kindergarten that I would go back to school to get my credentials in counseling so I can be a Marriage and Family Counselor. This would be perfect, I could be home when they were home and work when they were gone. Well, we never planned for when finances get tough, what we were to do for extra money. I know... Cami would stress her brains out and worry all day at home! Take upon herself to stay at home, tend the baby, tend the home (laundry, dishes, bathrooms, dinner), oh and do some part time work because heck I just sit at home all day, right? PS: these are my stressed out words not my hubby's. Breathe! So with limited options, I now try to find some little projects here and there to make it work for some extra income.
Quality time vs Quantity of time-
So "Mrs. Child Development" (what my friend Kelsey calls me) you get to play and psycho analyze your baby all day long, lucky! I wish I did spend more time doing developmentally appropriate things with my baby. I was an in home service provider for families with children 0-5 and I educated them on finding quality time with their children. Being home, I realize it is tough sometimes! It takes time, effort, and ENERGY to not put house chores, grocery shopping, church callings, errands, and whatever before my son. His mood plays a part on this too, I know but it is important and I do it, and when it works, it is great.
"Tub tub talk"-
Welcome to spending all day with a baby and talking to everyone else in baby talk. When my hubby and I were dating (kind of), he invited me to a prestigious work dinner with Neurosurgeons he sold to. Walking to the door to the dinner I say the words, "I'm exhausted from nannying. I need a tub tub!" He looked at me wide eyed and said, "Please do not say that in front of the doctors." I busted up laughing not realizing that after being around children, by yourself all day long you tend to lose it including proper English. I never did talk baby talk in front of the doctors thankfully, but I did interact great with the doctors' wives. I still tell hubby that I made HIM look good that night. Finding that mommy on/off switch can be a challenge.

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