Monday, October 8, 2012

FashionSista- The Challenge Begins!

"Beauty starts from within" is a statement I truly believe in, but what happens when you don't take care of the outside? Does dressing a certain way really change the way you respect and hold yourself? I believe so.  When I get up in the morning and don't get ready for the day, I feel bluh. I mean I HAVE those days for sure. Also, wearing the same clothes over and over again...boorrrinnnggg! I think it's appropriate to care for yourself on the outside so it shows a glimpse of your inside.  Make this note to another great coping skill of personal care and upkeep!

This got me thinking, why not get try once a week make an effort to stay up to date with the latest trends and styles and who else not to help me with doing this than my baby sista!

She inspired me to start a new series with the blog called "FashionSista" where my teenaged, drop dead gorgeous sister challenges me to a weekly fashion mini make over.  I have a week to except the fashion challenge to find or put together from the master designer. Watch out date nights... cause it's going to be hot!

 Here is the sneak peak of the first FashionSista CHALLENGE:

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