Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Laughter really is the best Medicine

No bueno
Here's a little insight into what has been happening in Cami's life this past week.  Maybe it's been from moving houses, transitioning with Reece, or hormones but I have been overly exhausted by the end of the night.  So tired that I would crying myself to sleep. It was like my body couldn't handle itself and I would just lose it when my head hit my pillow.  I was taking things personally and reverting back to old triggers and fears (which is likely to happen when all your rational is out of the window). I didn't like the place I was in and I am sure my husband didn't either. OK, I KNOW he didn't!

Here's What Happened

I felt like I was trying to do everything I could do to get out of my funk. Nothing seemed to help. Finally by night 4, my hubby did something he hadn't done in awhile. He.Made.Me.Laugh. Not just a ha ha it was like a good, hard, both teary eyed, laugh.  When this happen he said the words, "I can't remember laughing this hard." Then it hit me, neither had I.  I had told myself long ago that all I needed was the loves of my life, my faith, and a good laugh to be happy.  Simple enough, right?

The Start of Something Good
After the night we had this really hard laugh, something clicked with my hubby. I believe he noticed the reaction he got from me and the continuous happy behavior the next day. So when he came home from work, it was on! He did his usual playtime with Reece, hide and seek and catch. But that night he added an activity where he put our son on a blanket and drug him around the kitchen floor.  Reece LOVED it! What kid wouldn't!  When Reece went to bed my hubby and I cuddled on that same blanket. Before I knew it, he got up and started dragging me on the floor just like my baby.  The laughs kept coming. I was cured! 

                    (Reece-7 months)                                                                 

I read a study somewhere that babies laugh on average 300+ times a day. 300 TIMES! The average adult was like a pathetic 15-20 times.  A baby learns to laugh by 3 months and once they start talking it slowly decreases.  I say, lets stop talking so much and get laughing again.  Not only does laughter change your mood but helps with heart disease, it boosts your immune system, releases endorphins, blood flow, and increases memory and learning. Makes sense!

In the Future...

"So, when life gets dark and dreary...don't!!" No, but seriously. Laughter has reconnected me to my hubby, I have more energy, and I can sleep in peace...until a pillow fight starts or something. Then it's WAR!-Cami

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