Thursday, September 13, 2012


I think its pretty safe to say that the past 2 weeks or so Cami and I have had hard/crazy weeks.  Both of us experienced our crazy weeks due to our own individual circumstances.  Nonetheless, they were harder than the average week and I kinda sorta want to talk a little bit about them.

Laura, fast asleep in the stroller.  Don't get so
exhausted in life that we miss seeing all the
other great thingsaround us.  Like Laura :-)
First, a few posts back Cami talked about getting a wiseman.  DO IT.  It is so great to know that you have a few people in your back pocket that can be your ear, call you out (nicely) on your irrationality and still lets you know that what you are feeling and experiencing is normal and helps support you getting back to a healthy place.

When I am having a hard time I do try to be very reflective and understand what in the world is happening.  Am I exhausted, are my hormones possibly going crazy, have I put to much on my plate?   Generally, the answer for me is exhaustion and worrying.  I have a huge tendency to think, think some more and more and more and more (thank you, mom!). 

So, tonight I am going to watch Teen Mom (we all have our weaknesses) and GO TO BED.  I also journal.  I don't neccessarily keep what I wrote but, I will write.  I often times will just open up Word and type away into oblivion and eventually it all filters out and at the bottom I have a few neat sentences that state what I am TRULY feeling. 

I also want to focus on what is good right now.  Currently, Laura is loving to cuddle at bedtime.  She just wants a back scratch and a hand to hold.  This has been great for me because it has forced me to slow down and not be so frustrated at the week.  I mean really, if we can take those moments to give our children that intimate time that they need with us, it will absolutely give us a mental break from reality. 

Tomorrow is FRIDAY and that is ALWAYS good. 

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